c.a.d.s. self cleaning filters
All dirt and waste is vacuumed automatically from the micron screen filter before it has a chance to break down. There are two vacuum versions and two filter-cloth versions available. Make your refugium or other biological system really perform. Optimize it with any of the followings C.A.D.S. machines

Models are clear for demonstration purposes
Objective: It is imperative to remove solid waste in an aquatic environment immediately before it has a chance to break down. Not just trap it in some type of filter that would just accelerate its decomposition. Especially on reef aquariums where accumulated waste can create excessive nitrate and phosphate buildup. Solid waste will ultimately be broken down by decomposer microorganisms into a wide range of dissolved pollutants, adding to those already in the system. It makes no difference where in the system these solids decompose – the end result will always be the same, that is, further pollution. This is an important point as many aquarist think that once solid waste is out of sight (in the filter) it is no longer a problem. With the rapid throughput of most filters, the dissolved pollutants produced as these solids break down are quickly pumped back into the system. What we really need is two filtration systems – one that enables us to remove the solid wastes from the system before it has time to pollute the water and the other to deal with the dissolved pollutants. After all, if we could remove waste solids, bound phosphate precipitant, loose GFO (granular ferric oxide) and algae from the system, we would prevent most of the sources of pollution, have better water quality and fewer health problems. Not to mention we could maintain a higher bioload. With the C.A.D.S. system installed free floating algae, food and any other small particles are continuously removed greatly reducing maintenance.
Solution: SeaVisions Patented C.A.D.S filter will successfully remove newly introduced waste continuously and automatically without wasting water as the case with most inferior backwash systems.
Description: The C.A.D.S. micron screen filter is a carefully engineered device that is designed to be the first line of defense in aquatic water filtration. All of the water that is leaving the aquarium is routed to the C.A.D.S. filter first. The water is gravity fed to the C.A.D.S. filter and must pass through a fine mesh micron screen before it can proceed to the next filtration process. This screen can be anywhere from 50u to 150u in micron rating. The process will continue until the micron screen slightly clogs and starts to raise the water height in the filter chamber. A sensor will detect this rise of water and the one minute cleaning process will begin. The aquarium water will be temporarily rerouted bypassing the screen. The screen will be rotated at the same time a vacuum is sucking the waste away that has accumulated on the screen. The waste is routed to a drain or a collection tank that is separated from the systems main water. For you reefers the system can be manually bypassed during coral feeding or any time you wish to keep nutrients suspended. The patentable significance of this system is the automatic rerouting of the systems water so the screen can be vacuumed. Thus this process does not waste precious water. The system is so sensitive to dirt and waste that a cleaning cycle will be activated almost immediately after feeding or any disturbance to the gravel or algae cleaning. The C.A.D.S. is designed to encompass a complete biological filter with a protein skimmer and a UV sterilizer. If you require a larger skimmer or UV just request it and will can make accommodations. On reef aquariums the bioballs are not necessary in this system. However since there is no accumulation of detritus due to the fine C.A.D.S. filter there is no harm using them. There will be no build up of waste on the balls to promote nitrate. The C.A.D.S. is a perfect matched system for the. This product can be designed for any size aquarium and is now being used on all 2005 and later SeaVisions aquarium systems. The foot-print size of the overall SeaVisions filtration system has now been reduced significantly. To that end SeaVisions can produce aquarium systems that are second to none in design, performance, reliability, effectiveness and long maintenance intervals. The C.A.D.S. chamber can be designed to be used on a berlin system or any other system that uses a sump. If you are a aquarium expert and would like a custom unit designed with your particular choice of media, skimmers, refugium’s or chambers please send us your specifications.
C.A.D.S. Cloth vs. C.A.D.S. Vertical
The C.A.D.S CLOTH does virtually everything the C.A.D.S SCREEN does but has a few advantages and disadvantages. The major difference is that the C.A.D.S SCREEN uses water to backwash the screen. Whereas the C.A.D.S CLOTH uses a specially designed filter cloth which traps the waste and contaminants and will automatically roll the trapped waste out of the water stream. We use the C.A.D.S screen mostly for heavily populated fish aquariums that get fed heavily. The C.A.D.S CLOTH has an additional benefit of absorbing particles that color the water. You also do not need a potable water source for the cloth version.
Both units are rated at 50 Gallons of clean water per minute.
The C.A.D.S CLOTH is 13 inches wide by 17 inches long and 14 inches tall. Overall length with motor is 21 inches.
The C.A.D.S Vertical is 14 inches wide by 15 inches long and 14.5 inches tall. Overall length with motor is 21 inches.