products & TECHNOLOGY
Ocean Creator I & II
The newest addition to our family of patented filtration products is the Ocean Creator II. The Ocean Creator II is designed to take the work out of the most important yet time consuming and difficult aspect of owning a saltwater or fresh water aquarium – “the water change”. An absolute necessity for maintaining a healthy ionic balance of the aquarium water. This is the most significant aquarium parameter affecting the health of fish, corals and all other marine life.

- Removes waste
- Makes and adds new deionized water automatically with zero phosphates
- Removes all contaminants (not just nitrate)
- Eliminates europhication
- Ultra reliable, safe and immediately effective
- Consistent high aquarium water quality and top water quality
- Increase Aquarium bioload up to 4 times
- Stabilizes alkalinity and pH levels
- Continuous supply of calcium and other trace elements
- Drastically reduces aquarium maintenance
- Easily maintained
- Use any powdered salt of your choice
- Does not use or rely on any form of bacteria to break down waste
- Does not eradicate plankton in reef aquariums
- Never change water again - OCII does it automatically
Mini Ocean Creator
The new era of control is here. In March of 2019 SeaVisions has submitted a patent request for a measurement apparatus for measuring specific gravity of a liquid, and a saltwater aquarium salinity control, and water change system.
Even the most established control systems on the market will only tell you they can monitor salinity right on the box, and not control. If you dare to use them to control your water changes or top offs you are going to be disappointed. This product removes the electronic conductivity controller out of the equation. There is nothing on the market now that can match this systems reliability and accuracy for aquarium and reef aquarium use.


- Virtually eliminates maintenance of your aquarium
- Consistent high water quality
- Removes biological waste and all contaminants from aquarium
- Local and remote monitoring and control of all machine parameters
- Increase aquarium bioload up to four times
- Stabilized salinity, alkalinity, magnesium, and pH levels

- Automatically creates and adds deionized water
- Creates and adds R.O.D.I saltwater
- Eliminates Eutrophication
- Continuous supply of calcium and other trace elements
- Kills parasites
C.A.D.S. Self Cleaning Filters
SeaVisions patented C.A.D.S. filter will successfully remove newly introduced waste continuously and automatically without wasting water as the case with more inferior backwash systems.

model is clear for demonstration purposes

model is clear for demonstration purposes